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FashionCart’s wholesale module allows you to link directly with the retail outlets that carry your products. The module includes a limitless catalogue that allows you to sell your styles per season.

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Wholesale Module Features

Distribution to retail outlets is the cornerstone of the fashion industry regardless of the fact that you’re a small boutique or a retail chain. FashionCart’s ordering module allows you to link directly with the retail outlets that carry your products. Having your products in a retail outlet is the key to securing customer loyalty for your brand and that contributes to your company’s growth.

FashionCart simplifies orders thanks to a limitless catalogue that allows you to sell your styles per season. The module includes an online catalogue and shopping cart that allow your clients to create, review and confirm their purchase orders which you will receive in real time. This module is well organized and safe, since you supply your clients with the access codes and passwords so that they can access your online inventory and shop at their convenience with access to all the information they need.

Moreover, many features are available through a management interface where you can add or modify the characteristics of your styles, view various types of reports and review your client’s usage of the system.